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School Readiness

Children are often targeted for violence and need to be protected at all costs. That is why Household HQ is here to help keep your school safe. No matter the size, the student population, or if you are publicly or privately funded, we are here to help keep you prepared for emergencies.  We offer comprehensive solutions and consultancy so you are prepared. 


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ALIVE Active Shooter Survival Training

ALIVE Active Shooter Survival Training

Our certified trainers provide accurate and up to date training on this next generation of active shooter survival training. ALIVE is the most in depth and modern version of this type of training. Tried and true, this training saves lives!

American Red Cross

As a Licensed Training Provider of the American Red Cross, Household HQ can help you know what to do during an emergency. Medical training can help you save a life when the time comes, whether it's yourself or someone else in your house of worship. Choose from in-person, blended, or online learning.

American Red Cross CPR
MyMedic First Aid Kit
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Our first aid is much more readily available and lightyears beyond sticker bandages and ice packs. Get a real first aid kit so that you can properly treat a wound and make it to help in time.  MyMedic products are true first aid kits for properly prepared school.

Partnership Alliance for Safer Schools

As a partner with the Partnership Alliance for Safer Schools, Household HQ is able to provide a comprehensive overview of the schools risks, needs, vulnerabilities and more to make suggestions on how to be better. Even if Household HQ does not provide it, we will still help you find the right fit.

Partnership Alliance for Safer Schools

The Pennsylvania Key

PA Key School Training

The Pennsylvania Key works collaboratively with partners and community organizations to deliver educational, professional, and administrative services to early childhood educators and leaders to support the enhancement of early learning experiences for young children in Pennsylvania.

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